Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Thou Doest Faithfully

 “Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers;” (3 John 1:5)

As our oldest son grew, he was required to wear corrective braces on his legs. The braces helped to support his legs and correct his walk. Without them he would be in a wheelchair. 

In this epistle written by John, Gaius is called a wellbeloved brother and fellow believer in the Lord. He has a wonderful testimony of believing the TRUTH and walking in the TRUTH. Like my son’s braces, the TRUTH strengthened his stand and corrected his walk.

What was the proof?

Vs. 4, Gaius walked according to the Word of God.

Vs. 5, Gaius served faithfully in the Church of God.

Vs. 6, Gaius gave cheerfully to support the people and the work of God.

Anyone could observe the difference it made when our son wore his braces and quite honestly it was much easier on his mother and I when he did. There is an obvious and tremendous difference when a man puts on Christ! He believes the truth and he walks in the truth. 

The truth has the same results in the believer as it did in Gaius. A faithful life of personal holiness, a faithful life of serving God with others, and a faithful life of giving for the ministry. Like Gaius, every man wearing TRUTH becomes a beloved brother and a fellow helper.

Do you have your “braces” on?

Without them you become a Diothrephes. (Vs. 9)

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