Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Oh That Men Would Praise the LORD!

“Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!” (Psalms 107:8)

This Psalm begins with the exhortation for the redeemed of the LORD to give thanks unto the Him, for His eternal benevolence and His enduring mercy. The Psalmist then repeats the above verse 4 times throughout the chapter. Proclaiming the LORD is good in all that He does. He has blessed fallen man with His wonderful works and He alone is worthy of praise!

The verses following each repetition offer us some wonderful insight!

Vs. 9, Praise the Lord for Salvation! Every confessing and repentant heart that calls upon Him, He saves and makes righteous. 

Vs. 16, Praise the Lord for Deliverance! The redeemed are not only saved from their sins, but they are also delivered from their sins. Jesus Christ tore the bars away!

Vs. 22, Praise the Lord with Humility! The redeemed are to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and declare His works with rejoicing. This is an offering that exalts the Lord over self and the spirit over the flesh. It is an offering that confesses, I am what I am by the grace of God. 

Vs. 32, Praise the Lord Publicly! The redeemed of the Lord are never ashamed of the testimony of the Lord. His name is written in their hearts and proclaimed from their lips. It is in the heart of the redeemed to assemble with the LORD’s people and to exalt His name together! 

Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!

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