Friday, June 21, 2024

The Private Walk

 “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” (Psalms 101:2)

David’s resolution to behave himself wisely not only included how he would conduct himself in the throne but how he would walk in the privacy of his own home. True christianity and holiness is not just what is displayed in public but what is lived at home. The man after God’s own heart determined to walk wisely within his home, in a perfect way and with a perfect heart.

Beloved, the measure of our christianity is not how we behave in public but how we conduct ourselves in our home. The real man of God is revealed in the living room, the dining room, the kitchen and in the garage. The real man of God is the one in front of the tv or the one behind the computer screen. Our phones and devices tell of our purity. Our music speaks of our holiness. Our words and secrets expose our heart.

The real man of God is not the one our peers know, it is the one that our family knows. Our faith is not what we proclaim at church, our faith is what we demonstrate at home. If the walls of our homes could speak what would be their testimony?

Hypocrisy is the great troubler of the home! The best kind of Christian is the one that determines to walk wisely with the Lord both publicly and privately. Friend, commit to walk today within your home with a perfect heart.

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