On March 27, of this year the New York Times publish an article in their op-ed titled, “The Road to Coronavirus Hell was Paved by Evangelicals” written by Katherine Stewart. She states in her article that “Trump’s response to the pandemic has been haunted by the science denialism of his ultra conservative religious allies.”
Recently, Vice President Pence was criticized for praying with a White House task force, Hemant Mehta, who writes for “Friendly Atheist” blog, wrote that “it’s not a joke when people say these Republicans are trying to stop a virus with prayer.”
“What else did anyone expect?” Mehta asked. “Science? Reason? Something sensible? Of course not. If this virus truly becomes a pandemic, we’re at the mercy of people delusional enough to think their pleas to God will fix the problem. The same God who presumably created the virus, at least in their minds, will somehow make sure it hurts only a handful of Americans … and a ton of Chinese people.”
Dr. Angela Rassmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, also criticized the prayer. She is quoted with saying, “I have yet to attend a scientific meeting that begins in prayer,”
God’s people have long been ridiculed and blamed for the world’s trouble. Jesus Christ was accused of troubling the Jews. At Philippi, Paul and Silas were accused of exceedingly troubling the City, it is said that, Nero blamed Christians for the burning of Rome. Hitler convinced a nation to slaughter 6 million Jews, because he believed they were at fault for Germany’s trouble. And just as Ahab was convinced that it was Elijah who troubled Israel, the seeds of accusation are being sown for Christians to be blamed for the troubling of America.
The Bible says in Proverbs 14:34, ”Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” America has long been troubled, not by its righteousness rather she has been troubled by the path she has taken to the exalting of sin.
In 1933, America saw the end of Prohibition. Almost 100 years later, liquor flows like a river through our country. It is estimated that $20 billion dollars a year is spent by Americans on liquor. It is the third cause of preventable diseases, killing almost 100,000 American’s a year. 28% of all vehicle fatalities are alcohol related. There is no telling of the thousands and millions of lives and homes it has ruined. Alcohol is troubling America!
In the early 1960s, Prayer and the Bible were taken out public schools and creation and godliness were replaced with secular humanism and evolution. Public schools are no longer institutions of education rather they are government schools of indoctrination. The nourishing of America’s youth has been replaced with the perverting of their hearts and minds. Within the halls of learning, our youth are influenced to worship the god of sports. Reprobate teachers and professors confuse the minds of boys and girls on gender identity, the purpose and priority of their lives, and the Biblical structure of the home. The very fabric of their souls is stained with the promotion of pornography and permissive lifestyles. Past infractions of chewing gum and running in the hallways have now become sexual assault and mass shootings. Public education is troubling America!
In 1973, liberal judges ruled in favor of Roe vs Wade and the murdering of the innocent unborn was legalized. Since that year, 50 million innocent babies have been murdered In our country alone, 3,000 babies a day are aborted. The killing of our children progressively gets more and more barbaric, demonic doctors rip them piece by piece from the mother’s womb, they are partially delivered and then slaughtered with a puncture wound to the back of their head and their brains vacuumed out, they are delivered alive and keep comfortable and at the mother’s rejection then murdered. Babies surviving botched abortions are left in trash bags and trash cans to slowly die. Baby parts are sold to the highest bidder, their bodies have been incinerated to heat hospitals and power electric facilities, used as ingredients in cosmetics and medicines. Recently in Illinois, over 2,000 dead babies were found in the garage of an abortion doctor. The womb has become the killing fields of our generation. What the progressive liberals call a lump of tissue, God calls a living soul. Their innocent blood cries out for justice. It isn’t Prayer that troubles America. Abortion is troubling America!
In 2015, The home was attacked by the legalization of same sex marriages. The sin that God calls an abomination, the wicked call an inherited lifestyle. The stand against perversion and for righteousness has been labeled as discrimination and a phobia. The promotion of evil has been called diversity and inclusion. The Bible states that in the beginning God created 2 genders, male and female, the confused and frustrated would have you to believe there are 72 different gender identities. It is not a godly husband and wife that is troubling America. It is the Sodomite, the Perverted and the LGBT crowd that are troubling America.
The home continues to be attacked with nearly 100,000 divorces a year and 7.5 million people living together outside of marriage. In the institution that God ordained to be a refuge, over 500,000 children a year are abused, 1 out 10 children are sexually assaulted and countless lives and hearts are troubled by the break down and demise of the home. It is not the family altar that troubles America. It is the adulterer, the strange woman, and the predator that is troubling America.
The morality and values of America are being redefined with a rapid decline. The morals and values held by our godly grandfathers and grandmothers are now being called wicked and the sins we were raised to avoid and forsake are being called good. The morally depraved march for their right to have relations with children. 200,000 boys and girls a year are forced into human trafficking. In America, $14 billion a year is spent on prostitution and another $14 billion on adult entertainment. Every second in America, $3,000 is being spent and 28,000 people are viewing pornography on the internet. Over 110 million Americans are diagnosed with having an STD.
The decline of our values are revealed by the conduct of our lives. Every year in America there are 17,000 reported murders, 47,000 reported suicides and over 1 million attempts, (Suicide being the 4th leading cause of death.) there are over 100,000 rapes a year with over 90% of all rapes being unreported. $117 billion a year is spent on gambling, $43.4 billion a year on movies, $100 billion a year on sports. It is not the Ole’ KJV that is troubling America. Idolatry is troubling America.
America has lost her ability to blush and has little to no shame. Modesty, character, and virtue are words that belong in yesterday’s generation. A generation of girls have been taught that to be pretty and accepted they must uncover themselves and give themselves away. A generation of boys have been taught that being a man is toxic and being effeminate is best. Purity has been ridiculed and fornication has become expected and a right of passage. The Dad or Mom that stands against the tide of evil are labeled as out of touch, and uncaring. The preacher that dares to boldly proclaim the truth is labeled as a bigot and a cult leader. The millennials in their madness identify themselves as survivors from their homes and churches who dared to live by God’s Word. Rebellion and Ungodly Entertainment are troubling America.
The troubling of America is not from her faithful, Christ-honoring, Bible-Believing Churches. It is the emerging church that troubles America’s soul. It is their darkened stages that secularizes the worship of God with the world’s music and culture. It is their anemic pulpits that dilute Bible doctrine to itch the ears of the heathen. It is their prophets of Baal with their powerless preaching that weakens the holiness of God with the attempt to justify their ungodly ways. It is their pride and greed for power and prosperity that refuses to proclaim “Thus saith the Lord” and instead teaches the cursed gospel of "whatever you will." It is not Old-Time Religion that is troubling America. It is the wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing that is troubling America.
The troubling of America is not from the godly family or the born-again man, woman or child who is striving to walk with God and live according to His Word. It is the hypocrite, the backslider, the scorner who halts between two opinions that is troubling America. It is the carnal and untransformed mind that refuses to submit, separate, and be sanctified that is troubling America. It is the fake believer that sits in the pew on Sunday and then walks with the world on Monday that is troubling America. It the thief that robs God, quenches the Spirit, and hinders the Gospel that is troubling America.
The troubling of America is not from those who promote righteousness, truth, or charity. The troubling of America is from the corrupt politician who has voted to murder our babies and elderly, to destroy the sanctity of our marriages, and sell our economy and our lively hood to China and other foreign nations. While they have shredded the constitution and stolen our liberty, they have lined their pockets with the millions they have robbed from hard working American men and women. It is not the religious right that has troubled America. It is the swamp that resides in the Capital that is troubling America.
The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness that gave hope to the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses is being threatened by the redistribution of wealth, socialism, and communism. Capitalism is part of the great foundation and founding of America. The ability to work hard, sacrifice, fail, and succeed is part of America’s backbone and strength. The America afforded to us and secured by the Greatest Generation is being given away by over taxation, wasteful spending, social programs and welfare, obamacare, government takeovers, and the robbing of our freedoms. It is not the Red, White, and Blue that troubles America. It is an unthankful, lazy, entitlement generation and the corrupt politician that is troubling America.
The right to bear arms and religious liberty are not the freedoms that trouble America. The Statue of Liberty stands tall in New York harbor because a Cross stood bloodied on Calvary. The flag stands for freedom because of the brave that stood shoulder to shoulder bearing arms against the tyranny of dictators, and the evils of communism. Everything that makes America great has been purchased with blood. The blood of her patriots stains the lands and seas of this nation and many others. It is American blood that has been shed to rescue the persecuted and the forgotten. It is American blood that has put down the regimes of evil and proclaimed liberty and justice for all.
The very fabric of our nation was sown with the motto “In God do we trust.” Every document written by our forefathers recognized the grace and mercy of an Almighty God. You cannot trace American history back to its roots without returning to the Cross of Jesus Christ. A Cross stained with blood to purchase fallen man’s redemption and rescue every man from the condemnation of sin. It is not the humble or the brave that has troubled America. It is the proud and arrogant, it is the fool that has said in his heart there is no God that is troubling America.
There is no christian man or woman that can proclaim sinless perfection. Every one of us stands guilty of actions and behavior unbecoming of a Christian. It is not my intent to proclaim that christians have never done anything to trouble America. However I can boldly proclaim that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and true Christianity has not, is not, and will not ever be the troubling of America. America is being troubled because America has forsaken God and has followed the idols of prosperity, power, and pride. America is being troubled because America has made right wrong and wrong right. America must be reminded that, “righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” The preachers must boldly proclaim and the pulpits must thunder "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)
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